What’s The Best Time Of Day To Have Sex?
Here at Intimina, we’re all about working with our biology to optimize our sex lives. We are products of nature, and knowing how to work with our natural rhythms can help us have better, more satisfying sex. While being on a “sexual schedule” may sound mundane and rigid – it’s the total opposite! Our lives are busy, and often full of curveballs and distractions. Blocking out specific times that are ideal for you to have sex – with our without a partner – means you’ll be able to put your focus on your pleasure, and your sexual wellness. Remember that all of this information can be used whether you’re having sex with yourself, or a partner(s)! Back to Biology Class Whether or not you excelled in your grade school science classes, you’ll want to pay attention now. Of course, we’re all familiar with good old “morning wood”, which means if your partner has a penis, they may advocate for an AM romp in the sack. This is because their testosterone levels are highest right af...